Welcome to the Chessington Methodist Church website
Here are our services for DECEMBER 2024
- Sunday 8th December 2nd Sunday in Advent. Morning Worship 10.00 am collecting Christmas treats for Kingston Foodbank. Led by Rev Paul Han.
- Sunday 15th December 3rd Sunday in Advent. Morning Worship 10:00 am Led by Mr Duncan Lloyd.
- Monday 16th December Carols by Candlelight 8:00 pm
- Sunday 22nd December 4th Sunday in Advent Morning Worship with Nativity 10:00 am. Led by Ms Sharon Lloyd.
- Tuesday 24th December Christmas Eve Midnight Holy Communion Service 11:15 pm Led by Revd Vindra Maraj-Ogden.
- Wednesday 25th December CHRISTMAS DAY All Age Worship. 10:00 am Led by Rev Paul Han.
- Sunday 29th December Morning Worship 10:00 am Led by church members
- Tuesday 31st December Watchnight Service 11:00 pm Led by Rev Paul Han
If you have questions about faith or are finding life a struggle and would like to talk with someone, please get in touch with our minister, Revd Vindra Maraj-Ogden, MA
For Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals, contact the minister: Revd Vindra Maraj-Ogden, MA.
We hope you will find our website helpful, whether you are checking details to visit the church, looking for an event, or checking out room bookings.
We hope to meet you in person at one of our Sunday services or drop into our coffee bar, which is open from 10 am until noon on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Join us for coffee or tea and a friendly chat.