OUR MINISTER AT CHESSINGTON METHODIST CHURCH IS Also the Superintendent Minister of the Kingston upon Thames Methodist Circuit     

Rev Vindra Maraj-Ogden 

In September 2023, Rev'd Vindra Maraj-Ogden joined Kingston Methodist Churches Circuit as Superintendent. She has a wealth of experience in the Methodist church, and the Queenswood School. We asked her to introduce herself to the wider school community.

"I have been a Methodist minister since 2005. Before that I trained and worked as a chartered accountant, I have a degree in Business Management. I have not always been a Christian but was educated at a Roman Catholic convent school. In my early twenties, I found myself struggling to navigate some of life’s challenges and was drawn to the church and an exploration of faith, leading to a decision to become a disciple of Jesus Christ." 

I have not always lived in the UK. I was born and raised in Trinidad. All of my family still live there, but it is the UK, where God has called me to serve Him and this has been my home since January 1985. I visit my family regularly but my ties and my life are here. I have loved being a Methodist minister with pastoral charge of churches but about a year ago I felt that God was calling me to something different. After much prayer, a silent retreat and discussion with friends, the chaplaincy at Queenswood became a reality.  I am now the Superintendent of the Kingston Methodist Circuit, based at Surbiton Methodist Church and also Minister at Chessington Methodist Church

To contact me email "shmc.office@kingstoncircuit.org.uk"

Chair of District ( London District)     

Revd Dr Jonathan Dean 

To find out more about Jonathan https://www.methodistlondon.org.uk/